Annual report
You will find our most recent Annual report as well as the forms that you will need to read and complete in order to effect the enrolment of your child/children at Blenheim State School. Should you require any additional help or assistance in completing the forms, please don't hesitate to contact the school office during school hours.
Enrolment forms
Please be aware that we are happy to take new enrolments throughout the school year and our Principal is more than happy to meet with you and your child to discuss the needs of your child and to introduce you to the school, teachers and students prior to you making an informed choice about the preparatory schooling of your child.
Our Parents & Citizens Association
Blenheim State School's Parents and Citizens Association is a committed and dedicated group of people who work throughout the school year to raise awareness about our school and funds to benefit all of our students. The P&C drives a variety of fundraising initiatives and more information regarding the committee and its roles and responsibilities can be found via the 'Our Community' tab; where you will find a dedicated P&C page. Upcoming fundraising initiatives are always detailed in our fortnightly newsletter and we encourage both the school community and the local community in general to participate at the P&C's monthly meetings.